Sometimes, when you're reading the New Testament, it cites the Old Testament, and you want to know where to find it. Or you may wan...
Sometimes, when you're reading the New Testament, it cites the Old Testament, and you want to know where to find it. Or you may want to know the New Testament fulfillment of an Old Testament prophecy or reference. The Logos Concordance Guide can help you do this.
To begin, you will need to own a feature set that includes the Concordance Guide Section, and the "New Testament Use of the Old Testament". Currently, this is available in the Logos Full Feature Set, the Verbum Full Feature Set, and the Verbum Feature Upgrade, respectively.
Concordance Guide
To determine if this resource is in your library, click on "Guides" at the top of Logos, and type "concordance" in the search bar:
New Testament Use of the Old Testament
To see if this resource is in your library, click your library icon and type "New Testament use of the Old Testament":
If you do not own these resources, you will need to upgrade to the Full Feature Set or Verbum options linked above. If these sources are in your inventory, the following steps will enable you to use them together:
1. Open the Concordance Guide
2. Link the concordance guide to the same set as your Bible
Click the three dots in the upper, right-hand corner to set the links so they are synced to each other.
3. Select "Intertext" from the "Settings" options on the Concordance Guide
4. Results
You will now see Old Testament references that match NT verses, and NT verses that match Old Testament references: